Police Association of Connecticut

The Police Association of Connecticut was formed in 1902, " for the protection and promotion of the welfare of the police officers of Connecticut; the improvement of their facilities to render to the public, whose servants they are, the most efficient possible service; the compilation of police statistics; the collection of information concerning the practical working of different systems of police organization; and cultivation of social intercommunication and fraternal fellowship between the different police departments of the state." The PAC is the oldest such statewide police organization in Connecticut.

Relief payments under By-Laws of Connecticut Police Association. When any person, under the provisions of the constitution and bylaws of the Connecticut Police Association, Inc. is entitled to relief from said association as the widow, child or dependent mother of a police officer killed in the line of duty, the Comptroller shall, upon the delivery to him of adequate proof from said association of the right of such person to such relief as foresaid, draw his order upon the State Treasurer in favor of the person or persons entitled to such relief, or their legal representatives, for the amount to which such person or persons may be entitled as relief as foresaid, provided such orders shall be limited to available appropriations, Sec. 3-122 "Connecticut General Statutes."

PAC’s Mission

To provide for the protection and promotion of the welfare of police officers and to enhance the efficiency of the police in the various police departments of the state; to provide for the care and maintenance of the Memorial to our Fallen Comrades; to help ensure the comfort and welfare of dependent relatives surviving a member killed in the performance of his or her duty as provided for in our By-laws.

NOTE: The Police Association of Connecticut (PAC) does not solicit and is NOT soliciting funds from the general public. Any calls from organizations or callers soliciting funds for police organizations, are not affiliated with The Police Association of Connecticut (PAC) in any way!